Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thank you

I want to thank you all for the kind words. It meant a lot. I also want to thank you for allowing me to vent. It really did help, I feel better. I was able to get a lot of things off my chest that have been there for a very long time. I am just hoping that one day Walter and I will be able to start a family of our own. I am so happy with him, he makes me smile & laugh. He's so good to me. And I know that he would be a great father. You know that hurts a little too. He wants to be a dad about as much as I want to be a mom. So we're both in the same boat...even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes. I know that one day we will have children, whether it's biological or adoption. I am certain of that now. And just think if we adopt, no painful pregnancy. (That was so a joke people. Just trying to keep it light). I think I am now getting to the point where I don't hate people that are pregnant. I can look at them and not feel envy...well not a lot of envy. I can talk to people about their pregnancies again. I feel good. I feel like it's only a matter of time. Of course then next month will come and it may be the same blog all over again...who knows? But one thing does have to change. We cannot live our lives around trying to get pregnant. I mean honestly, that's only part of the battle. Even if we do get pregnant, we still have to hold on to it. There's no guarantee that'll happen. So I think that I'm focusing on us. On Walter & my life, our love, and our time together. I want us to have memories and things to be able to tell our kids when they get we gotta do those things. Again though...wait until I vent next month. (ha ha). So again thank you all who read this and left me those wonderful messages of love and inspiration. I love you all.

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