Sunday, April 3, 2011

Next step

Well here we are months later and still no children or even the inkling of a pregnancy, so my GYN has decided to send me to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. Which is good, but this may only answer one question and not the other. Why are we having such a difficult time getting pregnant? I know that God has a plan for us, I just wish I could stop trying to wrap my mind around it. All I do is worry about it. I live in "cycle" days. It's not Sunday, it's CD 2. my life has become one, big, fat chart. I have to chart my cycle days. I have to chart ovulation. I have to chart symptoms. I AM SO FRUSTRATED! I am constantly comparing myself to others that have children. If I see someone who is pregnant I automatically want to know how old they are. I want to make sure that there other people out there who are having kids later. If I see someone who is 34 and they are pregnant, well then I'm OK because I'm not quite that old yet. Sane? Not so much. So hopefully, this RE will be able to give us some sort of answer. The big question, does our insurance cover it? Absolutely not! This is completely out of pocket, so hopefully this will happen quickly b/c time is money is this case. We are thinking that IVF may be our next step. Who knows? Our appt is April 7, so we should know more then. I'll keep everyone updated. Thanks for reading my rants, it helps to get this stuff out sometimes.

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