Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Long time, no talk

     Walter and I are still on the search for some kids....anyone offering?  Kidding!  (maybe....).  Honestly though, we do have another appointment with Dr. Katz on Thursday, 10/06/11.  We just went through an entire process of jumping through hoops to hopefully have my sister, Kacie, be an egg donor.  We had to see a psychologist (we are NOT crazy....at least not too bad), we had to have records sent in, and take personality tests.  This whole process took us about 4 months.  After all of that, the psychologist told us that we were all good to have my sis be a donor....woo hoo!  Right?  Well not so much.  It took one phone call to really screw up those plans.  First of all the hospital where Kacie delivered her baby sent medical records that were not hers to my RE.  Let's just say that this was a huge mistake on the hospitals part b/c it was of another person with the same name but different DOB.  So anyway it was b/c of that mistake that I found out they would not allow my sister to donate...well not anytime soon.  Apparently there is a questionnaire that should be sent out to all prospective donors.  One of the questions is "are you a smoker?".  Well my sister is and has been for a while.  This questionnaire was never mailed to my sister.  So during the conversation with the nurse regarding false information about my sister (drug abuse and another child) the nurse states that this other patient is a smoker.  My response is "well so is my sister".  Not thinking that this would be a big deal b/c I see people all of the time that smoke and have kids.  Apparently REACH does not want your prospective donor to smoke for at least 3-6 months before donating.  I say all of this b/c it took us 4 months to jump through enough hoops to be allowed to use my sister.  If that one question would have been asked prior to starting all of this my sis could have stopped smoking (which she offered to do) and we would still be on our way to kids.  My sister has still offered to stop smoking, which I want her to do more than just for me.  But Walter and I feel like this is just another hurdle on our venture to parenthood.  We are going to talk with Dr. Katz and see what other options we have, we are trying to keep all doors and windows open...don't want to close anything too early.  And here I find myself at another crossroad.  I don't want to go into too many details b/c most of it will be a very private decision, but please pray that we make the right one.  Please pray that God helps us in this decision and shows us His path. 

     On a different note, Walter and I just participated in our first bike ride.  10 miles for pediatric cancer research.  I was extremely nervous but everything went really well.  I even did a lot better than I thought I would.  10 miles in 1:07 hours!  For someone who has never ridden 10 miles at one time in my entire life, I am thrilled!  I am also participating in my first 5K in about 3 weeks.  I've plateaued off on my weight loss, I'm stuck at 50 pounds.  Don't get me wrong, that it great.  My cholesterol is back to normal (trig went from 427 to 148), so I'm thrilled with the loss.  But there is more to do.  Now I'm trying to add exercise in to my regime, and a 5K is a perfect way to get motivated.  Plus the BFF is coming up to wog (walk/jog) with me for support. 

     And finally, Walter and I going on another cruise in November to celebrate our 5th anniversary.  I can't wait!  (Another reason to lose weight).  We are going to places that I've never been and I love being with the man-candy, especially on a ship....no cell service!  That means no work calls.  Lovely. 

     Thanks for reading and praying for us.  Please continue to do so.  Love ya and God bless.

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