Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I can't believe it's been so long since my last post!  A lot has happened.  Most of you know that we have decided to adopt.  It is not in the cards for birth children for us, so God has put us on another path.  We have chosen to go through the foster care system here in Hickory and have had to attend 3 hour classes, 2 days a week for 6 weeks.  Tomorrow night is our last class.  That doesn't mean we are at the end, but it does mean that we are closer.  After tomorrow we will continue on in the process to be licensed foster parents in the state of NC.  The MAPP classes have offered me a lot of insight into the process and the children that come into foster care.  I really do think that Walter and I can make a huge difference in the life of a child, and I know that child will make a big difference in our life as well.  I've learned a lot over the past 6 weeks and have come to meet a lot of nice people.  Some of which are even in a very similar situation as ourselves.  It's nice to meet people and be able to discuss your situation and have them understand exactly what you're going through.  This has really been a God send for us.  I am grateful for the people that I've met, I'm grateful for everything that I've learned, and I'm thankful for the bond that Walter and I have that has made us strong enough to go through all of this.  It's amazing what you learn about yourself and your partner when life doesn't go as planned.  I've learned that Walter is a strong and sensitive man.  He's very supportive and very caring.  Now granted, some of this I already knew but it's in a new perspective now.  I'm learning that there are some things in life that are worth fighting for and some that aren't.  I'm not one for change.  I don't like to be wrong.  I'm very stubborn and can be argumentative.  But I've had to look at myself a lot here lately and feel that I'm growing as a person.  I'm becoming the person that I'm meant to be....someones mother.  Gosh, that even looks weird typing it...imagine what it sounds like in my head.  I have some very strong and supportive people in my life that have helped me through this process, most importantly is Walter.  I just love that man!  Although most of the time I want to throat check him...he is one great man.  Now this whole post has gotten extremely mushy and I must vomit.  But seriously, I do want to say thanks to all of those people keeping us in your prayers, we still need them.  We are not close to the end yet, hopefully by the end of the year, but we are getting there.  I am so thankful to all of you, it means so much.  Love you all and God bless.

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