This is a post that will not be posted for a while b/c I'm not sure of the outcome. Today's date is August 29, 2012. Earlier this month we found out that we were pregnant. Shocker!!! Apparently going on vacation and taking it easy equals pregnant. So take that REACH! OK, getting back on track. Currently we are 8 weeks along, this is the farthest we've ever gotten with out the aide of drug therapy. We are excited and nervous of course b/c honestly we both had given up on this possibility and had accepted that fact. We had moved forward with our adoption process. Well here we are 3 years later and in this situation again. I know that God works in very mysterious ways and He puts your life on His plan and not yours. I do not doubt Him; but I wonder why we are on this path again. Is this pregnancy different from the previous ones? Yes, slightly. I am taking aspirin daily to hope to fend of the "possible" antiphosphalipid syndrome. I have had a couple episodes of spotting; which in itself is scary. But so far we are trucking along. Tomorrow is another doctors appt for labs and ultrasound, which I'm very much looking forward to. I will continue to keep everyone updated on our venture....of course it may be a little delayed. If this all works out for us I want to tell everyone in a fun way and not via facebook post. Some people already found out b/c of my mental breakdown after the first episode of spotting started; so for everyone else let the fun begin. LOL. Although none of you will read this right now; thanks for the continued prayers and thoughts for our family. We appreciate them and keep 'em coming.
Today is 12/12/12; obviously the above did not pan out like we hoped. Another baby has gone to heaven. I tell's just plum ridiculous! But I know that God has a plan for us; and maybe he knew that adoption is our path. But losing this pregnancy over Labor Day weekend was hard. I didn't really tell anyone what was going on b/c I didn't want to have to tell them all if we lost another pregnancy. There were a handful of people that knew, but honestly I wanted to be alone. I cried, stayed in bed, and cried...a lot. But it's been a few months and I am moving on. I am happy that I have such a supportive husband who loves me and in no way blames me for what happens.
I started heavy bleeding on Labor Day and my doctors office was closed. I called the Dr. on call at the hospital, but b/c of my history and the fact that I knew what was going on, they did not make me come in. I stayed in bed all day and went to the OB/GYN on Tuesday. At that time, I had an US which confirmed what I already knew. On that day I was told that I really needed a D&C, which I quickly refused. I had to take a medication that they give women after giving birth to make the cervix expel and shrink. (best explanation I can think of...sorry). I went back to the doctor on Thursday to see if all of the "tissue" had been passed...and it had. The doctor immediately suggested that I not ever try to get pregnant again. He also wanted to start me on BCP; which of course I've tried several and seem to have side effects to them. Great....
So this is where we are folks. We have a total of 5 documented miscarriages (6 angels) and are now approved by the state of NC to be adoptive parents. So we are still waiting on our children to come in to our lives. Hopefully God will soon place those little angels in our home and hearts. After everything that has happened I truly believe that adoption really is for us. I do NOT want to go through this again, b/c you never get over what happens but you are able to move on. That's where we are....moving on with our lives. Thanks again for reading & your continued prayers. God bless.
Oh Krissy, I cried through this entire post! You are such a strong and special women. I hate so bad for you going through all of this. Everytime I ever got flustrated with Easton for screaming his head off at 2 a.m. I would always quietly say a prayer for you and then thank God I had him. I always feel so guilty when I get frustrated, because I know you would love to be up at 2 am with your baby. So please know that I really do think about you alot and pray for alot. I love you!
ReplyDeleteYou're so sweet Becky. Thank you for the continued prayers; I know that we are getting them b/c I feel a little more peace every day. I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this one b/c of the outcome, but it really is a great way to vent out some of the fustration that I had.