Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Anything new?? Not really.

Well there isn't really a lot to tell. We are still trying to get pregnant but atleast the medicine is working. I am now ovulating, of course it's very sporadic. I hate taking the clomid. It really puts a crazy spin on my hormones. I am crying, screaming, depressed, and laughing all in the same breath it feels like. I'm mean to people, and I don't intend to be. I am the most mean to my loved ones and I'm sorry for that. I am just praying that I don't have to take it for too long. I am currently on the third month, so there is always hope. I know that we have a lot of people out there on our side. I just don't know what to do sometimes. I'm kindof glad that Walter is at work tonight b/c I am definately in one of my foul moods. So maybe going to bed early will make me feel better.

Walter and I went to the beach a couple of weeks ago and we took my niece, Kaleigh, and Heather's daughter, Gracie, with us. The girls are 5 and 6 respectively. We had a blast. The girls were a lot of fun and full of energy. It gave us a little insight into what it would be like to have kids. We played and fussed and played some more. Originally I was hoping that when we did have children that it would be a I'm thinking I'd like to have boys. I think that they'd be easier. Girls are always so.....girly. Gosh I know that's not a very good description, but you all will know what I mean. I did post some pics on facebook if you would like to see. We had a very good time.

I'm sorry that this is such a short post, but no one has been blogging so I'm putting my foot down. Blog people. I needs to know what's going on. So out with it!!

OK talk to you all later. Holla!!

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