Thursday, September 16, 2010

Completely frustrated!!!

Today I am so frustrated, sad, angry, and overall...depressed. Walter and I have been trying to get pregnant for some time now. The doctors have me on Clomid, b/c they thought that I was not ovulating, for 4 months now. The pills really make me crazy. But I've taken them. This month I also did the OPK (ovulation predictor kits) to see exactly when I'm ovulating. Originally the doctors thought that I was ovulating early b/c my levels were so low. Well according to the OPK, I'm actually late. So we have been trying all month, and I checked my levels yesterday at work, got the results today, and they are even lower than last month. I really thought that we did it this month (hee hee) but if I go by my labs...not so much. I took an early pregnancy test and it was negative. I just don't what is going on. I'm so tired of trying and testing and labwork. I want kids soooo bad and now it seems like it's never going to happen. Our infertility started after my D&C, so something has to be wrong....right? I looked into surrogacy and it's around $60,000. With adoption it's similar in price if you do a private adoption, but if you go through the foster system it's hard to find babies. And I hate to say it...but I want a baby-baby. The doctors are talking about IUI (intra-uterine insemination), which again is expensive and there is no guarantee I will be able to carry a child to term, as the doctors do not know why I continue to miscarry. I am in need of prayers people!! I need courage, strength, hope, optimism, and health. If everyone who reads this could please send that up for me I would appreciate it. Thanks ya'll. Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Krissy, I can't understand what you are going through. But my heart does break for you. I will keep you and walter in my prayer. I hate you are having to go through all of this. Love you!
