Saturday, June 12, 2010

Good Times & Positive Thinking

Well folks I am in a good place right now. I gave a little info in my previous blog, but here is an updated version. I took my first dose of Clomid today. I was a little afraid that I would have some crazy reaction to it immediately. I know that I may go a little crazy later b/c of the hormones, but in my head I saw me laying in my bed crying at a Kleenex commercial. (I know it's very far-fetched). But I've heard so many stories from different people that have had to take this medicine. And I know to only listen to half of what people tell me too. But I am really looking forward to this. I am so happy right now people. I was getting very frustrated (as seen in my previous blog). I was upset b/c Walter and I have been trying to get pregnant for almost a year (this time, 3 years total) & we were not successful. I am glad to know that it's not the lack of scrumpy or the timing...but I'm not ovulating. I know that sounds crazy too. The fact that I'm happy b/c I know I'm not ovulating, but I have an answer to one problem. I am now taking this medicine and there is a chance for a multiples pregnancy. But let's be honest folks...I'm getting on up there, so I need me some kids now. I will take as many as I can get all at once. Honestly, I don't care either way. I just want a healthy child(ren). So we have one answer, but still no answer as to why I continue to miscarry. I did some blood work this past Thursday, and maybe that will give a clue why, so pray for me there. I just want to say that I appreciate all of the prayers, thoughts, and kind words; they really do help me get through some things. And plus you all listening to me vent keeps out of therapy. Hee hee! I will keep you all updated on our progress. Love ya!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Answer?? Possibly...we'll see.

Well today I had a doctor's appt w/ my Gyn. As most of you know, Walter and I have had a hard time getting pregnant since I had the D&C last June. Well my menstrual cycle has only been 22 days as opposed to the normal 28 day cycle. After speaking to my Gyn today, she says that it sounds like I'm not ovulating. Apparantly no matter how much Walter & I do "it" lately it wouldn't have made a difference. So now I'm starting on a medication to help me ovulate normally. I'm hoping this works. Also I had to do some blood work to tell if there is anything else going on to cause me to have multiple we'll see how it comes out in a day or so. But again I just wanted to thank everyone for all of their wonderful thoughts and prayers. I love you all so much. Don't worry I'll keep you all updated.